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C.O.A.C.H. – Training Course in Bulgaria

C.O.A.C.H. – Training Course in Bulgaria for youth workers
24-30 Oct 2021
Venue: in person or virtual based on pandemic situation
Deadline for applications: 13 Sept 2021

This is a learning program. It requires full focus and participation.

By applying to this course you take responsibility and risks. Inform yourself about the regulation and potential risks. Smokinya Foundation cannot be held liable for any of the potential risks, and this post is only with informative and popularising purposes.

Coaching is the process of helping another person to perform at the peak of his or her abilities. Coaching emphasises generative change, concentrating on defining and achieving specific goals. R. Dilts

5 days long course to learn about, practice and develop own methods of coaching. Coaching is a tool for empowerment. It takes integrity, leadership and creativity to be a good facilitator and trainer.

C.O.A.C.H. is an abbreviation for Creative Opportunities, Attitudes, Cooperation and Holistic method, where we train, develop and master our own communication and coaching style. The contemporary trends of training and development, youth work and working with those facing a situation of NEETs, or fewer opportunities, requires new standards and approaches. What was working 10 years ago in the field of outreach and grass-root youth work is now outdated, as new challenges require new actions and solutions. Competences like inclusion, participation and entrepreneurship are important, yet some attitudes are missing to make them work. What prevails is contextual design of experience where knowledge and skill are trainable, competences attainable, yet attitudes are what makes the difference.

In this training course we will work on:
1. Establishing understanding of what is communication
2. Defining where and how coaching happens
3. Practicing and training basic coaching skills
4. Further development of personal coaching method
5. Putting it all together in a holistic way
6. Steps to put in order all our competences
7. Mastering personal coaching method

This training is practical and effective.
It only happens by doing it. And now we invite you to challenge your own competences and to allow yourself to learn and expand. The training is designed as a whole 5-day coaching session. There will be real case studies and practice in different groups. The method is tested and it works with youth workers, leaders, trainers, coaches and learning facilitators because of it’s practical utilization. Last, but not least, it is based on the work and experience of leading business coaches and the methods of: ontological coaching, non-violent communication, NLP, embodiment, feedback (giving and receiving), questioning, heuristic solutions, distinctions, active listening.

Organisation respects the current COVID-19 situation

Currently the activity is planned to be hosted residentially in Bulgaria. In case the COVID-19 situation prevails and prevents travelling, the organisers will look into the options of organising the activity either in blended form or online.

Accommodation and food
The hosting National Agency of this offer will organise the accommodation and covers the costs for accommodation and food.

Apply by filling in the form: Application form.
Deadline for applications: 13 Sept 2021

More information: Info-pack
Link to SALTO posting:

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